The Flame of Love (Song of Songs: Ep 06)

Ep 06. Flame of Love.jpg

Desire, beauty, terrors, seeing, and belonging. These are the themes we’ve been tracing as we track the search of the lover for the beloved, and as we’ve pondered the search each of us make for intimacy and ultimately for God. In some ways, the point of these episodes, and the point of the Songs is that this search is never ending. It is an endless song, song over each other, even as it is being sung over us, a song of fears and heartache, as well as hope and restoration. In every way, it is the gospel’s song, the song that Christ will sing as he came in the flesh to restore the lover who had been exiled from her beloved, a groom who had come to finally be reunited with his bride.

Yet as if we have not journeyed far enough, the Song has one last melody to sing. In the closing chapter of Song of Songs we get one of the most moving pieces of love poetry the ancient world ever produced, as we also get one of the clearest poetic insights into the essence of a God who is love. What is this love? God’s love is a flame. And it is the very flame that sparks the heat of our own loves. The flame that draws us back God.

So join us as we conclude our study of the Song of Songs with episode 6, “The Flame of Love”.

If you’ve enjoyed this study, you can dive deeper by checking out our companion print study which will guide you through the text of the Song of Songs. Or subscribe to our channels and sign up to our newsletter to stay connected to what’s taking place at the Burning Word.

This is not the end but only the beginning of our ongoing search for intimacy. So we close with the invitation: return to the Word and encounter God again.


The Crisis of Modern Identity


Belonging to the Beloved in a Culture of Consent (Song of Songs: Ep 05)